Two skills that will help you in almost any line of work are assertiveness and the ability to be a good collaborator. This rare combination is common in most successful people. How can you balance the two? Why is it that most assertive people aren't great at collaborating and vice versa? How can you be assertive and a good team player at the same time? How can you effectively collaborate without giving up on your own ideas and vision? How can you set boundaries and clear communication? How can you ask for what you need assertively, get what you need, and do it all without making your team feel like you've taken their power?
If you can answer all the above questions and put those answers into practice, you already have the makings of a great leader. To collaborate well and to be assertive requires a delicate and artful balance and a keen understanding of yourself and those around you. So let's cultivate your superpower of assertive collaboration in this club, shall we? Let's learn, discuss and practice together!